moscow hospitals
step-by-step instructions for designers involved in improving the territory of city hospitals

how to make the territory of hospitals convenient for all users? Which unified recommendations, solutions and materials will help designers to create high-quality improvements across various territories?
CM International was commissioned by the Moscow city government, which is responsible for the development of medical institutions in the city, to develop a standard for improving the territory of city hospitals. The standard is a detailed guide, which includes a range of recommendations and solutions, equipment and materials to be used for all hospitals within the remit of the Moscow Department of Health. The standard we developed is aimed at landscape architects and designers, who will use it to create high-quality projects for territorial improvements. The book consists of four parts plus appendices. The first part includes a summary of global experience of equipping medical institutions and an exploration of the problems typical of Moscow hospital grounds. The second part comprises step-by-step instructions for developing improvement projects and reference materials for designers. The third part explains how to use the standard, based on the example of five Moscow hospitals. The fourth part is a catalogue of standard equipment and elements which can be used in projects. The aim of the standard is to create a comfortable environment for patients, visitors and staff on the territory of Moscow hospitals.