cable car across the oka river in nizhny novgorod
product strategy for a new transport line

how can we use a new cable route to activate several spaces in the city at once?
A new cable car across the Oka River in Nizhny Novgorod should connect the metro station. “Zarechnaya” on Lenin Avenue and “Switzerland” Park on Gagarin Avenue. The length of the new route is 3340 meters, passengers will be able to cover this distance in 15 minutes. The cable car should become part of the city public transport system, and also a new attraction to attract tourists to the city.
The implementation of the new cable car project in Nizhny Novgorod is being carried out by the Urbantech Group of Companies. At their invitation, CM International joined the project to develop a product strategy. Its goal is to develop a set of measures to increase the intensification of the flow of users, both among city residents and among tourists, using the methods of transport modeling and spatial programming.
We carried out a detailed analysis of the environment of future cable car stations, development plans for adjacent areas and neighboring city attraction points. When preparing the product strategy, we identified key audiences, conducted research on the consumer preferences of future users and in-depth interviews with stakeholders.
Based on extensive analytical work, we formulated a big idea for the development of stations, each of which will have a characteristic “portrait”: thus Zarechnaya should become a new public center of the Leninsky district, Quiet Harbor should become a recreational area with a water theme, and Gagarin Avenue should become a new city subcenter.
The unified route network proposed in the product strategy will open up new urban spaces for citizens, and vacationers will attract trade to previously unclaimed areas of the city, in turn, this will help diversify and strengthen the economy.