techno-city "delta"
ecosystem for engineers and scientists in naberezhnye chelny

how to create a territory where engineers and scientists will want to come and live?
In 2023, KAMAZ announced the creation of a technocity in Naberezhnye Chelny - the company plans to turn it into an ecosystem for engineers and scientists who will work together on new transport technologies on the same territory.
The pool of functional zones of the future technocity was developed by a working group assembled from specialists from the Center for Energy and Economics, the Atom project, KAMAZ-masters, the city mayor’s office and several KAMAZ divisions. Based on the results of their work, a technical specification for the design project of a technocity was formed, which was entrusted to CM International.
The goal of the project is to create a unified infrastructure for scientific and technical centers, allowing them to compete for specialists of the highest level, including household, cultural and entertainment functions and accommodation. It was important to make the tech city a branded urban platform - that is, a place where you want to spend time and where you want to move. A system of public spaces and “third places” open to citizens also had to emerge.
Our main job was to develop a framework master plan - we had to link many different functions in one area, combine and correctly coordinate spatially disparate objects. In addition to the "engineering axis", the plan of the technocity was to assume the presence of a campus, a hotel complex, a cafe network, recreation areas and sports grounds, a shopping and entertainment center, fitness, business infrastructure, landscaping and a transport network.
After conducting a preparatory analysis, evaluating international experience, and in-depth interviews with stakeholders, we created master plans for functional areas that would meet the needs of all participants in the future technopark. An important element of the functional schemes was the all-season space, which unites STC KamAZ, STC Olympus and the Atom IT Park into a continuous scientific and production environment.