
idea of the place



A fundamental part of project design. Helps us to understand what people want and how to achieve it. Consists of several stages: statement of the problem, designation of the object and the subject of the research, definition of the aims and tasks, planning and the research itself. The theoretical part includes a conceptual model, a description of ideas and categories and the ways in which they interact. The practical part contains data gathered, its analysis and presentation. The research ends with conclusions and recommendations.

legend of the place

legend of the place

The image of the current and future territory. The team creates a legend at the first stage of work on the project. Cultural and historical analysis of the location, deep research into the territory, interviews with residents, immersion in the environment, benchmarking of competitors and international experience help us to produce an initial formula for the project, which will make it an integral part of the city and provide a trajectory for developing the concept. Legend of place is the poetics of the urban environment presented in a practical manual for action.

program of the place

location accessibility

location accessibility

exploring accessibility. The team analyzes and collects data on the intensity and direction of traffic and pedestrian flows. We count flows, measure phases, determine the load level of all sections, identify and offer various transport solutions to current problems and analyze all kinds of initial data. Without understanding the current situation, it is impossible to understand “where it hurts” and “how to start treating”. shaping accessibility. Helps to formulate the principles of project development and expected results from its implementation. The team develops the concept of the road and street network, traffic patterns (including residents, guests, taxis and specialized vehicles), pedestrian and bicycle traffic patterns, street hierarchy, typical street and intersection sections, and much more. Specialists perform the work in such a way that after the implementation everything would “move” and all categories of citizens would be satisfied. Our solutions not only connect objects within the project, but also integrate the project into the city.



The technical specification for the project, which takes into account the client’s requirements and the specifics of the urban environment. Our brief is a construction set: it might include a socio-cultural concept, a functional programme, an economic model and a section of requirements for the masterplan or project. We create a brief with maximum attention to detail, in order that the future project design will be an accurate reflection of the ideas within it.

functional model

functional model

The key to the future use of the territory. In developing the programme of place, we first define the functional zones of the territory — residential accommodation, commercial sites, cultural spaces — and event scenarios. Then we go into the maximum amount of detail regarding possible functions of the space, establish connections between them based while considering the balance of the various areas, and define the requirements of the target audience and the wishes of the client.

sociocultural concept

sociocultural concept

The prototype for the future life of the territory, designed to take into account its specifics and the prospects for development. Based on the legend of place and the user typology, we create scenarios for the use of the territory. The concept includes people’s requirements, accessibility of services and functions and an events and cultural programme. This is the foundation of any project and the map of its development. First we think through how people will use the place, then we develop the functional programme and brief.

economic model

economic model

This is a formalized description of various economic phenomena and processes in the project. The economic model allows you to abstract from the secondary elements and allows you to focus on the main elements of the system and their interrelationships. First of all, when creating an economic model, variables are selected. Distinguish between external and internal. The former are introduced into the economic model from the outside and are set before starting to create the model itself. Internal variables are identified during model building. Next, we put forward a hypothesis that determines the economic model of the project.

project of the place

events program

events program

We create a cultural and events programme of the territory or project. We curate information, education and other events: from conferences and round table discussions to lectures and film screenings. We help to attract the best Russian and international experts in the field.

pop-up project

pop-up project

Presenting the future image of the territory to potential buyers and the city as a whole. At the preparatory stage of approval and construction, the territory often stands idle. A pop-up project is about the effective use of time and the creative assimilation of space. Instead of a security booth and sales office we propose opening the space as a temporary creative cluster. In this way we can set out the future legend of place, unlock the potential of the territory, test the functional and events programme and also correct the concept in real time.

master plan

master plan

we develop comprehensive strategic plans for territorial development. In each master plan, we prioritize people and their needs. Beyond analyzing and creating spatial concepts, we consider human and economic potential. We incorporate social and cultural aspects to ensure sustainable growth

competition procedures

competition procedures

A transparent and competitive means of selecting future project designers. The team takes on all operational, organisational and content tasks for the organisation and running of the competition, from the development of the technical specification and the creation of long lists to the technical assessment of competition projects and the design of procedures for selecting finalists.

project supervision

project supervision

Supervising the process of designing architectural solutions and the careful transmission to the designer of the ideas and meanings within the project guarantees the compliance of decisions regarding space with the socio-cultural concept. This is an essential condition for the successful implementation of the project. The team regularly analyses design solutions and corrects them in line with the initial technical specification. Talking the same language as the design team ensures the maximum correlation between incorporated meanings and the volume and spatial solutions that reflect them.

area branding

area branding

We create the image of place and run events designed to form a positive image of the region, city or territory. Location branding helps make the territory attractive to investors and tourists, retain local residents, bring non-material resources to the project, and increase the loyalty of potential users at the early stages of project development.



we design and implement landscaping concepts based on user scenarios and needs. Our approach includes creating parks with native, well-planned greenery, streets with convenient paving and effective zoning, integrating small architectural forms into the urban landscape, and developing new formats for organizing spaces