film factory metmash

russia's largest film production center

JSC AKH "VNIIMETMASH", Department of Culture of Moscow
2023 — 2024

how to create a film factory on the site of a former industrial area?

By 2030, the largest film production center in Russia will be built on the territory of the All-Russian Research and Design Institute of Metallurgical Engineering (VNIITMETMASH). This will be a site for full-cycle film production: there will be pavilions for filming and advertising, XR pavilions with the ability to use augmented reality, a Costume and Props Center, a Cinema Technopark, and a Technology and Innovation Center.

CM International became the authors of the master plan for the territory of the future film factory. We conducted a detailed analysis of the context, environment and infrastructure, benchmarking of the best practices in organizing film production in Russia and the world, and a series of in-depth interviews with film industry experts. From this work, the main vision of the development of the territory of VNIIMETMASH emerged as a new cinema cluster with a developed social function. Based on this big idea and analytics, we have developed a master plan of the territory. It includes a detailed layout of new pavilions, production and research centers, a plan for commercial filling of the territory, transport routes, a vision of landscaping and architectural appearance of renovated and new buildings.

In the future, it is planned that such projects will become part of a large Moscow cinema cluster. In addition to METMASH, it includes two other large spaces located in different parts of the capital – the Moskino Film Park and Gorky Film Studio, which will complement each other. Film producers will be able to use facilities, technological pavilions, equipment, costumes and props to carry out their projects.