choose service
- cable car across the oka river in nizhny novgorodproduct strategy for a new transport line
- shagal: logisticstransport strategy for the first 15-minute city inside Moscow
- shagal: territory development strategya 15-minute city within moscow
- 300th anniversary park of omskconcept for park area renovation created in collaboration with city residents
- international forum in barnaulholding a business event with the involvement of leading federal and international experts
- new building of the MSU physics departmentновое здание физического факультета МГУ
- administrative district on Russky Islandвсероссийский конкурс на разработку архитектурной концепции многофункционального комплекса на острове Русский
- 19:01pop-up активация территории главного ликеро-водочного завода Москвы
- старый демидовский заводобновленный завод как драйвер развития Нижнего Тагила
- slavaновый городской субцентр на месте часового завода
- involvement in omskdiverse involvement of residents in the development of the territory of the park of the 300th anniversary of omsk
- luzhniki streettransformation of the country's main sports complex
- letovoan advanced educational center in southwest Moscow
- 31 Krzhizhanovskogocompetition for urban architectural concept of the premium residential housing
- npmccompetition for urban architectural concept of the National Physics and Mathematics Center
- saratovfive territories that are public spaces which change the architecture and economics of the city
- mimicrynew approach to neighborhood identity
- mazdan exemplary urban solution for a problematic territory near the Third Ring Road
- allegoria moscaa careful balance between privacy and a busy community life in the most expensive district of Moscow
- zil-souththe launch of a media platform and public programme, development of key principles and concepts of socio-cultural positioning for the successful development and promotion of a new neighbourhood.
- open citya place for architects to meet, from students to experienced practitioners
- yandex hqan office and campus for Russia's largest IT company within an established district of Moscow
- semashko factorya territory for health in place of a former pharmaceutical factory
- betskoy foundling homea new place of power that unites the various part of the historic centre of Moscow
- khodynskoye polyea young park with an active community around it
- domodedovoan airport you want to return to
- moscow hospitalsstep-by-step instructions for designers involved in improving the territory of city hospitals
- marinskayaa pedestrian boulevard in the centre of a future city
- balance parkthe first private park in Moscow for residents of a housing complex and the surrounding territory
- naberezhnye chelnyan iconic embankment for a city with an industrial heritage